Streamlining workflows and effectively managing data is important in any business. In an organisation as large, as complex and as important as the NHS, it’s critical. File tracking plays a very important part in both data management and workflows. As well as being important for organisational efficiency, file tracking goes a long way to enhancing patient care, with well-managed files making it easier for healthcare professionals to stay on top of the data and properly look after their patients.
Reducing Data Bottlenecks
Having timely access to medical information can save lives and inform how patients are treated. FileTrack can help maintain easy and up to date access to this information by reducing data bottlenecks and solving common workflow issues.
Having all relevant information in one place, and ensuring it’s accurate, can be hugely beneficial for patient care and give healthcare professionals the background they need to make informed decisions.
Resource Optimisation
One of the main benefits of using file tracking software over a paper file management system is that it allows you to eliminate repetitive tasks. The software will handle almost all repetitive and monotonous jobs automatically, freeing up your staff to focus on other, more complex record management tasks. As well as boosting productivity and optimising your resources, this is also likely to reduce errors and help keep your records accurate.
Superior Records Management
Electronic records management software, like FileTrack, will provide records management that surpass traditional manual methods. The software will ensure accurate tracking, proper storage and fast retrieval of patient files, making it easy for doctors and other healthcare professionals to find exactly what they’re looking for.
Another way in which FileTrack can benefit the NHS is by helping to ensure compliance with regulations governing the protection of patient data. It does this by controlling access to files and making data more secure. The software also provides audit trails and makes information easy to find. Improving compliance reduces the chance of fines and helps to keep patient data safe and secure.
FileTrack offers fast, effective and accurate, workflow optimisation that NHS trusts benefit from greatly. Incredibly flexible and versatile, it can be configured to suit your requirements, supporting your trust as it works towards ever greater efficiency.
To learn more about FileTrack, and find out how the file tracking software can benefit your trust, contact us and speak to a friendly member of our team today.

Jun 24, 2024 10:15:00 AM